
Get next focusable element in Arrow Navigation.

This function returns the next focusable element in the Arrow Navigation instance. You can use this function to get the next focusable element from any part of your application.


import { getArrowNavigation } from '@arrow-navigation/core'

const navigationApi = getArrowNavigation()

const nextElement = navigationApi.getNextElement({ direction: 'down' })

console.log(nextElement) // 'elementId' | null


  • props: An object with the following properties:
    • direction: The direction in which you want to find the next focusable element. The direction can be one of the following values: 'up', 'down', 'left', or 'right'.
    • inGroup: The next focusable element should be in the same group. Default value is false.
    • elementId: The id of the element from which you want to find the next focusable element. Default value is the currently focused element.


This function returns the id of the next focusable element. If no element is found, it returns null.